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What is Renewed?
Renewed is a one stop destination for you to buy quality refurbished selection across products like smartphones, computers, video games, kitchen appliances and even more products that come with Warranty.
Products listed under Amazon Renewed offer an affordable
option so you can save on the brands you love.
High Quality Product
Professionally inspected, tested, and cleaned to work like
new by the sellers.
Backed by Warranty
Your product will be repaired or you will be provided a
replacement or refund in case the product turns out to be defective within
warranty period.
What should I expect to receive with my Eazzyshop Renewed
purchase and in what condition?
All Eazzyshop Renewed purchases will come with accessories
that may be not be original, but will be compatible and fully functional. Eazzyshop
Renewed will be packaged in either original packaging or in a new and clean
cardboard box. Product will be restored to its original factory settings. Also,
the seller will categorize the products in one of the following conditions:
Premium, Excellent or Good, depending on the condition of the product being
Model Year